Wednesday, October 17, 2012


I have no words for how angry THIS makes me.

For Sale

One Dell Inspiron Mini 10.  Rarely used and in great condition. Light blue and runs Windows XP on it. It looks just like THIS ONE. -- $150

One unopened copy of Dragon Naturally Speaking Home Version 11 -- $25  SOLD

Desperate times breed desperate measures and that's what this is.  No one has been biting the offered writings or Tarot readings and I am completely broke -- not something that makes me feel very comfortable or stable.

I'm not good at asking help, but now I'm begging.  If you know anyone who might be interested, please point them this way.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Tuesday, Not Monday

So far have done only one Tarot reading since I started offering them, but hope some more people will be interested. I worry that this may be the only way I can afford to go see my Mom for Thanksgiving because I'll soon have to do an oil order for the heat.

In other news, my soul twin is coming to visit today!

She's been one of my best online friends for about ten years and this is the first time we'll be seeing each other face to face.  With her birthday being today and mine being Thursday, it's a good week.  Since we don't get paid until Thursday and Friday, respectively, we don't have much planned, yet.  There'll be writing, watching movies, re-writing movies, probably lots of tea and such.

I'm also going to be giving her the first tarot reading that she has ever had, so that's going to be fun and enlightening.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Obsessively Driven

I have this thing that happens to me sometimes that I call Writer Brain or Obsessive Brain. Chey has other, less polite names for it.  I know this because she has used them often.

What happens is that when my brain goes into Writer Brain status, I get lost in whatever it is I am writing. That's the mild part because at least if I'm just lost in my writing, I'm not hurting myself except for the forgetting to eat or drink thing. Chey is more accepting of this weirdness because I will usually have something to drink next to me and if she's around, she keeps checking to make sure the levels are changing.

The times when Obsessive Brain kicks in is a lot less calm. When my brain goes into this mode I *have* to achieve whatever it is that is in my brain and I can't stop until I am either done or too weak and exhausted to move. My mind drives at me so much that I honestly can't seem to stop.  I try.  I try to interrupt the drive by doing something else or laying down, but within five minutes I'm fidgetty and I have to get back to doing whatever is stuck in my mind. I can't stop it and the doctors can't seem to, either. We're pretty sure that it's related to the Chiari and how much damage was done before the condition was finally arrested.  Not cured, but arrested. There is no cure for Chiari.

The thing that Obsessive Brain has been pushing at me lately to do is FIND the disks or DVDs that I know have backups of my writing and poetry from years ago.  I know they're here somewhere because I have seen them.  I just can't seem to find them. I have boxes stacked against the wall in my study that I keep wanting to go through to find these writings and also get rid of some stuff so my study isn't so cluttered and messy.  (I need more room for a new desk and at least one new bookcase). I want the room to be cleaned and organized so I can get a non-broken desk to sit at my computer when I'm writing in depth novel stuff instead of bending over my laptop when I'm not feeling well.  (That's another thing the NEO2 will allow me to do.  It's so light that I can lay propped up in my bed during the really bad pain times and balance it on my stomach and lap to write.)

So today, since I had such a bad pain day yesterday and the pain has only eased up about a third, I'm trying to resist giving into Obsessive Brain again and let myself relax.

One more thing, I decided to take a breath and try to put myself out there to raise the needed funds for my NEO2 and for Thanksgiving.

Tarot Readings And Stories

If you can contribute in some way, I'd very much appreciate it.  If you can't, then could you please boost the signal for me? That's appreciated, too.

I think for right now that I am curling up with a book, a remote control and my cats...

Friday, October 5, 2012

Working The Idea Out In My Head

Because in addition to the NEO2 that I need, Chey and I would like to be able to go and have Thanksgiving with my parents for the first time in like... almost forever?

Tentative Price Ideas

$1 per 100 words

Considering that I never write below a certain number when I'm aiming to, it's possible that you'll get extra words.

For readings, I figure I can offer four types:


1 Card Reading
3 Card Reading (Would require a higher donation)

Medicine Cards

1 Card Reading

Sacred Path Cards

1 Card Reading

I might add more services/readings later as I see how well this works out -- like readings from my Witches Runes or Egyptian Runes (when I can get it) sets.

Readings will be on a complete donation basis and have no set price. Requestor will tell me what they can pay before the reading so there is no confusion or hurt feelings.

I can't seem to get the button link to work here for some reason. My PayPal address is: sehkmetenkare(at)gmail(dot)com

Every little bit helps and any help will be greatly appreciated.

Time ... Time ... Where Does It Go?

You know, one of these days I'm going to remember that I have this on a more regular basis. After all, my mom did create a wonderful header image and layout for me.

So, since June (when I last wrote here) a few things have changed:

1) New roommates. Even though there was stress at the last moment with one of them, things are starting to hopefully balance out. I'm hoping that now I can start breathing again as I shouldn't have to be spending too much monthly to cover everything. I hate being broke all of the time. Not because I'm a shopper -- I *hate* shopping -- but just so I can have money in my bank account and know it's there. That and I've been able to put some of my statues in the main room of the house.  I no longer feel like my religion has to stay behind closed doors in my bedroom.

2) Working on my spiritual path again and the direction Isis and Seshat have been pushing me into. I've actively started working with my cards and runes again and poking at people I'm directed to. In that stream, I have a new Tarot deck that is probably going to be another working deck -- right with my Goddess and Shapeshifter Tarots. I purchased the new Witches Tarot and as with my other two main decks, things are very clear and loud when I use them. Whether they'll stay a personal deck or be used with other people remains to be seen. My Shapeshifter deck is getting a little worn around the edges and I don't want to wear it out completely since I haven't seen it for sale recently in my shop, so the Witches may take their place. I still keep my Feng Shui deck in my bag so I have one with me at all times.

3) I've finally started writing again. I'm working slowly past my blocks and issues and finally being able to accept that I can't be held responsible for the fact that I can usually write 5,000 words to another person's 500. It shouldn't be something that I feel bad about. I'm also trying once again to train my voice recognition software for those times where I need to write but my hands hurt too damn much to allow me to do so. I don't know if I'll have my first novel finally completed and submitted to a publisher by year end like I want to. but it won't be for lack of trying or guilting myself into a full-fledged writer's Fort Knox.

There's a tool I want for my writing that one of my friends suggested I do a "Words For Donations" where I agree to write a story of so many words for a minimum donation amount. Another friend suggested I offer Tarot readings for donations, too. My Goddess won't allow me to charge for readings, but donations and bartering are allowed.