Thursday, July 21, 2011

New Pathways

So, I've done something that I haven't tried doing since about ten years ago when I was told that I shouldn't try to join the because I wasn't Kemetic-pure enough.

Only a few of you know how bad that hurt because I was very much looking for others that I could talk to that had at least a close resemblance to my spiritual path.

Since then, I've kept to myself and did my own thing and took part in circles and rituals with my favorite eclectic group and my family.

I know that my own spiritual path doesn't quite match any one else's -- even with the people that I know who follow my same Pantheon. It's just hard sometimes feeling like I'm so solitary in my path. I've realized that I need to at least try to interact or read things from other people that believe in my same deities and think some of the same things I do.

That doesn't mean I'll start sharing everything that I'm discovering in this new path Isis has started steering me down. I'm not exactly sure how anyone would react to me trying to explain that my Goddesses have urged me to blaze a new path that I've never even seen mentioned before. (After all, to most people, what right do I have to claim that Isis and Ma'at have started telling me to carve out a new way of worshipping them by being a modern muse since I can't do much healing without assistance of others? I sometimes have a hard time believing and understanding it and then something happens to hit me over the head and I can hear one of my deities demanding to know why I keep questioning them.)

Any way, the point of this entry is that I've signed up for the forums at Kemetic Interfaith Network.

I haven't spoken or posted anything, but I have been reading postings of others, and it really seems like a friendly and welcoming community to be in. The people seem friendly and knowledgeable and it feels right that I'm supposed to be reaching out and trying to find others in my faith. After all, it's been ten years and a lot of things have changed for me and my thought process.

I'm hopeful and I'm optimistic about this.

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